According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) 3-10% of students today have diagnosed learning differences, attention deficit disorders, autism spectrum disorders, executive functioning weaknesses, and/or anxiety that interfere with school performance. Many families are not aware of the college options nor how they differ to students with these learning challenges. Educational Directions experts help families navigate the complexity and the sensitive nature of the college process for students with learning and attention difficulties. Through our comprehensive process, we help learning disabled students transition from high school to college. Our personalized model aims to decrease stress as we advise and direct the college selection options, and simplify the application process and address college readiness skills needed for college success. We help families understand the various academic support systems provided by college campuses, how to apply to these programs, what accommodations are relevant, and how to navigate a college visit and interview.
We help parents identify the right fit for their student. We help you by focusing on the individual needs of your child. This may include updated assessments for students with specific learning needs, outside resources, coaches, and standardized testing tutors.
A Consultation May Be The First Step